MiniMe is too nosey to nurse unless she's sleepy or has just woken up from a (rare) nap. Granted, at these times she is much more efficient at feeding (something we are trying to encourage) but this curiosity is making it increasingly more difficult to nurse during the day, let alone when we are out and about.
Breastfeeding has been a challenge from about 2 months anyway. The curiosity partnered with a determination not to eat too long (surprisingly not a greedy baby) has caused MiniMe to suffer from a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance...which sucks. It means she is feeding little and often, like VERY often. And it isn't doing her tummy any favours.
We are working on feeding for longer, using block feeding (feeding from one side for a length of time before switching to the other breast) and breast compressions. We are trying to lengthen the time between feeds by waiting until she is really hungry and demanding to be fed, making feeding in public a fiasco. It all weighs on my mind.
If MiniMe doesn't up her weight gain over this next week we will seriously have to consider introducing a formula feed in the evening to help bulk her up.
I'm not sure how I feel about that. Of course I am going to do whatever is best for MiniMe, I wouldn't refuse her formula just to be able to say she was exclusively breastfed. I mean, it doesn't matter that much to me. BUT there is a little part of me that knows that introducing the one formula feed will quickly lead to more. I'm not convinced that she is always latching on properly, and I'm pretty sure she's lazy...the bottle is just going to be too easy.
I was voicing all my concerns with Dad this weekend and he said, "Well in 6 weeks we'll be weaning anyway, you aren't going to breastfeed after 6 months are you?"
Oh, I hadn't actually considered stopping breastfeeding at 6 months. The thought of introducing both solids and formula fills me with dread. The BBC broadcast a report a month or so ago about a pilot scheme paying mums to breastfeed and they reported that something like only 1% of exclusively breastfed babies continued to be breastfed after 6 months. Does that mean that MOST babies go onto formula when they start weaning?
I'm not sure what I'll do.